Sunday 21 February 2016

The taboo on sexuality

One thing that ive battled and run into some difficulty with is the taboo on females sexuality. Something in paticular, being that if a female enjoys or iniciates sexual encounters shes percieved as dirty, slutty and any derogatory name under the sun. However, if she has said she doesnt like, nor wants to partake in sex shes seen as a prude, or somewhat higher and better than other females. Again this goes back to this societal influence, when you hear about someone having sex, or not having sex, who is it up to to give that person a title? Have you ever questioned yourself as to why this is something thats so commonly thought? I will also introduce the talked about "cherry pop". Girls and boys, please know and understand that when having sex for the first time a male isnt going to break you and make you bleed. First of all, we have the ability to push an entire human out of us i dont believe the male organ will do that much damage. Secondly,  the hymen doesnt actually break, snap, rip, whatever painful sounding word is used; the hymen is actually very stretchy and bendy, almost like elastic - women who have had sex before have still had their hymen intact. Another point, it isnt the hymen that makes you bleed, nor may you bleed at all, it all depends on how lubricated, comfortable, tight and how used the area is to that type of stimulation (which is why foreplay actually helps, i mean where do you think the idea of "fingering" came from, to get your insides ready and stretched out enough. Because did know the tighter you are in the time of intercourse the less aroused you are?). And please know girls that a doctor cannot tell if youre a virgin or not, what a load of shit. Its all introduced to make women afraid and embarrassed to be having sex which is absolutely ridiculous. WHAT IS THIS TABOO?? GIRLS, WOMEN! WE DO NOT HAVE TO BE EMBARRASSED TO QUESTION, WONDER AND EXPLORE SEXUALITY! YOU ARE NOT A WHORE, OR A SLUT IF YOU ENJOY AND PARTAKE IN SEX. NOR IS THERE A NUMBER YOU SHOULD CONFINE YOURSELF TOO BECAUSE OVER 8 IS TOO MANY AND YOURE NOT RESPECTING YOURSELF ENOUGH? WHOS RULES ARE YOU ACCEPTING? WHOS IDEAS ARE YOU FOLLOWING AND LIVING BY WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT? We need to be teaching girls about their bodies not only about abstinence and forms of contraception and the dangers of getting pregnant when they dont even know whats going on down there in the first place?!?!? If girls and boys are both unaware about their own bodies how do you expect them to understand anything else? Teaching someone how to put a condom over a wooden penis isnt rocket science and really shouldnt be the basis of what we teach in our schools. Sex ed shouldnt just be about just having sex, the legal age, abstinence and forms of contraception? It should also include learning about your bodies and the opposite sexes also. One thing for you to think about though, back in the what 50s etc women were told they couldnt ride bikes or their ovaries would fall out, any similarites with the idea of females having sex would "break them" and hurt? Sexuality isnt a bad thing, we are humans. Mammals. Both males and females have different ways of viewing and approaching sex. We dont even learn about the same things in sex ed class so how do we expect to understand what eachother goes through in a sexual experience or what the aftermath may be? Sorry but why is contraception and pregnancy just ones responsibilty in learning, whereas if a pregnancy was to occour, though sex was either mutual OR IN SOME CASES NOT the female is still left to deal with it, and if extremely difficult denied the access to a safe, proffesional abortion? How is this meant to provide help if sex is meant to be a mutual, equal desicion? Or is it still blatantly obvious that there is still a more negatively affected, less equal gender? Though after saying this, i will say that im not saying you should go have many sexual partners and not care about who its with, i am saying that the taboo on female sexuality creates this barrier for women to be exploring and truly understanding themselves and at the end of the day it is your body, is it not?

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