Thursday 18 February 2016

Societal influence on co-ed/single-sexed schooling

It is in-fact that time of the night where i dive deep into the depth of my mind. Today i was asked a question which was if i preferred co-ed or single sexed schools and i'm not the type to give a simple answer. So; personally i argue that co-ed schools are better and more beneficial when it comes to real life skills like working with different genders and seeing the opposite in your everyday life. However it is a lot deeper, after all it is a high school which means hormones come into play which can make difficult the task of being able to distinguish friends from more than friends which i believe is something teenagers, even older, get confused over because they don't socialize with the opposite sex enough to have that knowledge of a friendship compared to a relationship. Also,the maturity of people definitely comes into it which is an extremely difficult thing to outline and come up with a definitive answer to because it all depends on the person. But then in contradictory to that, society has taught both males and females different ways of living and how we are supposed to act etc so when you chuck the two different standards of living together a lot of double standards arise and people don't really challenge them which is why society continually stays the way it is because we accept the norm for what it shouldn't be, in my opinion. BUT i do think that coed schools would be more beneficial if we stopped teaching different genders damaging things from a young age, or separating us again on the basis of who is better, the “alpha” sex? Get rid of double standards and gender specific subjects, colours, sports etc. There's a long way ahead before any of this even begins to change. Think of women's rights for example, for 50 years we have been fighting for that and almost nothing has changed? Personally i don't see in the near future an extreme societal change, i think that people too often accept and use the term "that's just life" and if something's wrong instead of challenging it they justify it. Why do we teach how to defend when we should be teaching not to attack? I mean the world as we know it is real but the information we get fed is all manipulated, it's all communicated for us to think a certain way and a lot of people don't realize that and never question it. I mean you don't have that control over everyone if you decide you want to make a difference, I just try to focus on being positive and focus on changing the way i view the world and sharing it, hopefully influencing others about it too. I mean even i, writing this right now, am directing a certain point that i want to be heard. It just depends solely on the person who hears it and what they decide to do with it. I think we should always be questioning what we hear, see and what we are told because everything's always so much deeper than our minds can comprehend and not as black and white as it's filtered into our minds to be. Think for yourself, not for what you're “supposed” to think.

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