Thursday 18 February 2016

Getting on-board the writing train

I am an aspiring writer, journalist, photographer, traveler. Anything the world takes me for. I've decided to start a blog to share my writing; a proper place for them to settle, not just Instagram. So i shall start off with something real and hopefully inspiring.

Today I was thinking, I've never seriously thought about sharing my thoughts and views online and after thinking about it I've come to the conclusion that social media and the sharing of our voices isn't all bad, if used in a positive way. I won't go into extreme detail about why but I have decided to really write about things. Real things. Things that aren't widely talked about or accepted but I will tell you that i'm beginning to. I'll start off now. From a young young age girls and boys are taught very questionable things due to having the attitude of "they're only young" or "they'll forget about it" and I agree, some things won't last into adult life but you can't tell me that nothing will. We shouldn't be teaching girls that if a boy is mean to them it means they actually like them they're just hiding it, we shouldn't teach boys that if a girl says no they're playing hard to get. We shouldn't gender specify objects, different outcomes from the same crime due to genders? NOPE. Lack of income equality? A man is still a man if he cries, what is the concept of being a 'man' anyway? Who's rules and beliefs are you living by and accepting because that's simply 'life'? , a woman isn't just angry because of her period. We shouldn't body shame, we shouldn't believe that we have the right to comment on people's bodies as they are not our own. What is with that anyway? Why is it that if a man has multiple sexual encounters he is congratulated for it whereas if a woman advances on her sexual desires she is a slut? Why do people feel the need to spread lies and rumors about people? Where is the benefit in that? We should be growing mentally, physically, spiritually. Life as it should be , simply isn't. We are all alive!! Why are we all stuck in a 9-5 routine that you wake up go to sleep wake up go to sleep and all you do is look forward to the weekend. We should embrace the world, grasp for things just out of reach, take risks, leap, run, scream, laugh, smile and cry. Everyone has their own lives and issues going on, be selfless, support and cherish everything you have, don't stew over everything you don't. Be thankful you're alive because some aren't. You have a voice, use it wisely.

All my love

Aria xxx


  1. You have a natural flair for words and phrasing them articulately so why not write a book? Just a suggestion. Olly - singing partner some years ago on a bench in St Kilda....

  2. Thank you so much!! This had made my day, i will definitely think about that. Thank you so much :)
